This is exceptional. It’s bleak, and the atmosphere is positively oppressive at times, but this gives way to an ultimate sense of hope.
Short Trips: The Solar System has received only a small number of reviews, but most of its scores have it as a solid addition to the series. GoodReads gives it around 3.6 stars out of five, while LibraryThing give it a straight 3.5 stars out of five. The TARDIS Library gives it a less solid 6.2 stars out of 10.
There are two reviews of my contribution to the collection. The Discontinuity Guide is a site that is more about cataloging Doctor Who stories than rating them, but the author Paul Clarke took the time to praise my story, although he was slightly disappointed by the monsters who were eventually revealed. Styre was similarly impressed, claiming it was “the second of the two best in the collection”. In particular, he liked the way the story focused on the relationship between the new second Doctor and his inherited companions, and the extra dimensions this brought to the story.
Dark and moody, contrasting nicely with the impish nature of the Second Doctor.